Sep 2, 2009

Nunzilla attacks Hood to Coast

Providence hospital put together 12 people crazy enough to endure 26 hours of running, sweating, car-sickness, sleep deprivation, light rain, traffic and dust. Nunzilla was our team name.

Our fearless leader and hospital CEO organized the logistics with style far beyond what I've ever seen. We had showers and places to crash both in Portland and Seaside, pizza, and more Gatorade than I could drink.

I thought that I would have trouble even limping along since it only a week after Where's Waldo. So I was very pleasantly surprised to run about as well as 2 years ago when I was fresh. My first leg was downhill and I covered almost 4 miles in 20 minutes.

We were a very disparate group, but gelled well, and had a great time cruising to a 10th place finish in our division. With over 14,000 high-spirited participants, I think of this event as a celebration of running and getting fit.


Eldon and Janeil Olsen said...

Congratulations to the runners and the organizers.

velvetelement said...

I ran that in high school and I remember having so much fun! Congrats, it sounds like a nice couple of days!